THE BLOGOSPHERE--Yesterday, Huffingtonpost.com did a minor-piece in their 'Eat the Press' section that Google has donated $1,000 to these GOP Candidates: 'Heather Wilson of New Mexico, Deborah Pryce of Ohio, and James Sensenbrenner, head of the House Judiciary Committee...At least two of the candidates, Wilson and Sensenbrenner, have porfolios that implicate the use and regulation of the Internet. ' Yes? $1,000 from a corporation that is worth $150 Billion? They're flexing their muscle--well, barely, the amounts are symbolic at best. Yes, they're also hiring former GOP lobbyists.
Oh, and by-the-way states the fluff-piece, they gave $1,000 to two Democrats. Nevermind that yahoo has turned-in Chinese-dissidents, and nevermind that Google refused to turn-over the search-lists of users to the Bush administration without-a-warrant--Google is BIG, therefore EVIL. What crap. What a non-story that originated as tiny San Jose Mercury article. Then, Huffington Post tacks-on a misleading byline, and voila! Crap. Arianna shows some very poor-judgement sometimes, but we on the outside are here to balance her. I want to like her and her co-bloggers (Harry Shearer will never let me down), but they're making it difficult sometimes. It's about trust, Arianna.
rudolph has put on some weight