How this will affect everything else is unknown, as though anyone could predict where any of this is going. It just seems a natural-trend for things to disperse and become more-detailed and specific, especially with science and technology. This is so true of blogs. You have cooking-blogs, music, rants (my area), personal, sexual, rants, politics (the ones the mainstream media fears), health, community, hobbies, charities, neighborhood, basically anything-goes. But there are a few blogs that are pretty high-profile, and Arianna Huffington's is one of the big ones. It must be what watching the birth of the American-press was like in 1714, with the first-issue of New York City's 'Fugger Times.' The blogs are also like the handbills from the period before the American Revolution, only more-effective, and you could say that Americans are experiencing a similar 'ferment of ideas.' This time, virtually everyone can voice their opinion, which is threatening to the authoritarian-minded.

It must have been January of this-year when the illegal NSA-wiretapping story broke. Moyers wrote a piece condemning the actions. This was commendable up-to-a-point, but he got very blustery, sounding more like Cicero lamenting the end of the Republic than someone suggesting legal-actions against it. But the Senate made Caesar, what did they expect? He almost sounds like Thomas Jefferson in his retirement. Why? Because both Bill Moyers and Thomas Jefferson ordered t
he illegal-surveillance of perceived enemies of the state, and they knew hypocrisy.

Apparently Mr. Moyers still has to live with his guilt against Black Americans. Jefferson spied-on his own specific political-enemies, and Moyers on Dr. Martin Luther King jr. In the early-1990s, I discovered this fact while reading Dr. King's F
BI-file, which is available in book-form. It really shocked me, and since that time, I cannot believe much of what Mr. Moyers says about his commitments to the principles of democracy. He is hardly-alone, I would lump Bob Woodward in too, as well as anyone who ever worked in our State Department. America has never had a just Attorney General, and never will while they are still appointed. I could go on.

Anyway, I was the first to respond to the Moyers' piece on NSA-surveillance of millions of Americans, illegally. I demanded that Mr. Moyers comment on his authorization (on-orders from LBJ in 1967) of illegal-wiretaps on Dr. King. My comment was immediately-pulled, amazing! I kept-posting it again-and-again, and every time Mr. Moyers did a blog--I was there with the same-comments. Hey, I'm not AP, but I have a right to ask. Eventually--to-their-credit--Huffington Post let the comments stand. But, I've noticed they're up-to-it again. Sometimes, I wonder about Arianna's motives, but boy is she a battering-ram against the right. If you can take them down, I'm with you lady, just keep the dialog open and transparent. Otherwise, you're just a poseur, just part of a counterrevolution. I grant that this is all new, and who wants to be critique by some goober in the Midwest? Indeed. ;0) But you have to have some accountability.
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