My love of Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band has outlasted almost everything: a
bad ten-year marriage, college, the Gulf War, bad-jobs, the deaths of family-and-friends, everything. It's ironic, but art-snobs forget people use music (especially pop) to mark the moments in their lives, to mark-time. But Beefheart has been useful in other-ways. If you really-really want to remove unwanted-company (my ex brought-over junkies and other scum), put on Captain Beefheart & the Magic Band. The majority of humanity will react-physically and just leave, it's funny to watch. If that doesn't work, try the Butthole Surfer's 'Rembrandt Pussy Horse',

or 'Locust Abortion Technician', a classic. PiL also does wonders in removing unwanted-company. You can't lose.
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