Friday, March 30, 2007


Salt Lake City, Utah--Sean Hannity has done it again--opened his big, dumb, ugly American mouth again. This-time, SLC Mayor Rocky Anderson, who was talking on Doug Wright's KSL show via telephone. A call was made to Hannity.

The Rocky-Hannity encounter came unexpectedly today, arising out of [a] call the mayor initiated to the Doug Wright Show. When the mayor accused Hannity of ignoring his requests for a rescheduled debate, KSL put in a call to Hannity. The Fox News commentator responded. "Is the mayor really there or is he holding a protest or having a press conference?" Hannity asked KSL. "He's right here," Doug Wright responded. "Hey, Sean, I'm right here doing the city's business," the mayor said. "Oh, it's about time," Hannity quipped.
(Salt Lake Tribune, 03.29.2007)

Wow, what incredible wit by Fox's best (snicker). At least Hannity has over one month to prepare to have his ass- hipped. Rumors have it that he refuses to pay for his plane flight there--it has to be paid for by...whom? Probably KSL, but why do I think this little shithead wants to foist it on the people of Utah? Then, he can say, "It's the fault of mayor Anderson that people's tax dollars were used to fund this debate." Yeah, but it was all your idea, moron...

Oh sure, the subliterate on the right are already claiming "victory," just as they did in Iraq four-years-ago exactly. In total-seriousness: Hannity will have his ass creamed, he's dealing with a man who debates other politicians for a living. Anderson has done it his entire life. As far as anyone can tell, Sean Hannity is an expert on nothing. He looks like a lowlife hustler, a mental gimp, a walking, breathing gaffe. 

This makes him radically smarter than his fanbase--all ten of them, flipping stations, surfing. Ratings are a sham on Fox News. When you look at the fact that Fox forces cable companies to carry Fox News in-order to carry their other programming, what you have is a captive audience that never chose them, never summoned their existence.

If the debate happens on May 4th (or whenever), this writer will be amazed. This will be one of the few times any of the Foxtrolls have ventured out of their little studio hovels. The reasons are clear: it isn't their turf, they won't have control of the questions, the parameters, the timing (no advertisements to cut-to), and no strawdog opponents. This will be one of the first genuine debates between a Fox commentator and a real person from the left. They can claim victory all they want, and they'll make sure that coverage is scanty, or heavily-edited, if Hannity is beaten down. This is one of life's few certainties--and the fact that Sean Hannity is going to lose miserably.

The Salt Lake Tribune Yesterday: 


  1. have you ever seen a documentary called "this divided state?" it follows a big thing that happened when michael moore was scheduled to speak at a utah univ and some conservatives protested, hannity got involved and a lot of posturing and self-stroking occured on both sides.

    kind of worthwhile cause it doesn't so much focus on moore and hannity as the local residents/students who squared off along 'liberal vs conservative' lines.

  2. No, though I have heard of it. There is also a documentary from two reputed "liberals" from Toronto who tried to interview Michael Moore, but he wouldn't let them. Local-schmocal, a corporation can still come in and crush local-activists. Only the state can subdue corporations, our nationally collective-selves.

    That isn't to say you are totally-incorrect in focusing-on local-activism, but wrong in thinking it is everything. Nonetheless, I stand by my assertion that only federal government can ultimately subdue our technocratic insititutions, by regulating them. This has been common-currency for over 100-hundred years, beginning in the Progressive era. I think you have made the goal the method, which strikes me as backwards.

  3. PS: Semantics and our language-in-general also prevent us from understanding each other anymore, a fine by-product of this wonderful consumer culture. We need to have products that are useful and don't sap the souls of ordinary people.

    The pursuit of material-goods has corrupted humanity, but at least the middle class will die with everyone else. (I've always believed this, but Pier Paolo Pasolini put it in better words...). Again, change usually only comes after catastrophe with human history and behavior--we're creatures-of-habit.

    As for Sean Hannity, I only write about hi to belittle him, but he generally does a better job than I could ever do. You'll all notice that it's rare that I ever write about his ilk, because it only FEEDS THEM. They should be ignored out-of-existence as media personalities.

  4. I hear you about anonymous sources--when Reagan was running for reelection in 84', his campaign claimed to have gotten a letter from an anonymous Black man praising his domestic policies. It's unlikely the man ever existed. Thanks for the info, it's not hard to believe, SLC is supposed to be a hotbed of Republicanism. Sad. Keep hammering these scum, brother!
