Tuesday, September 16, 2008

RNC delegate sees whore, is robbed of $50,000, then whines to the police and press, both of whom take the bait...

Minneapolis, Minnesota--This must be why they're downsizing all these newspapers lately (as well as creating these kinds of stories as a result of no support-staff).

Do I think his story is straight? Nope. What it has is the appearance of a dorky Republican attorney who tried to get laid with a hooker, was ripped-off, and then concocted some dumb story to cover his ass so he could report the theft.

El cheap-a-dora
The delegate gave police a detailed description, but investigators had no suspects, Palmer said. He stressed that investigators don't believe Schwartz did anything wrong.

"It's embarrassing to admit that I was a target of a crime," Schwartz said in a statement Tuesday. "I was drugged and had about $50,000 of personal items stolen."("Tryst turns in $50K robbery for RNC delegate, AP, 09.16.2008)

And it's also embarrassing to be caught having sex with a woman for money while intoxicated, because that's the only reason any of them ever would have had it with a schlubb like Schwartz anyway. Why the hell would it be embarrassing to "admit [you] were the target of a crime"?! Because he had to pay for sex, then to add-insult-to-injury to his monolithic but equally-fragile ego, he was finally ripped-off by a hooker. You're just jealous. It's true, I am. Wouldn't you be?

The story is utter crap and Schwarz is lying. He was drugged alright--by his member, and possibly a toot. But if some lady of the night actually did this to a Republican Party delegate, good show, they've got it coming from prostitutes this year and from everyone else. Somehow, somewhere, Deborah Jeane Palfrey has gotten her tiny piece of revenge in another woman. Who needs reincarnation when we keep making the same stupid mistakes over-and-over again? Why bother? I tip my hat to the woman in the story--if she exists--and I wish her well. With luck, Schwartz won't be able to write it off on his taxes, the stupid schmuck.

It's good to see that the Minneapolis Police Department has calmed down enough from their police riots against war protesters to investigate something as important as this. Their indefatigable will to protect the incredibly unpopular couldn't be more American, just not in a good way, and they went too far as American policemen have traditionally done. Don't spend it in one place, lady, but spend it soon, before it's devalued again. So much for Minnesota nice, it's officially dead.

"Tryst turns in $50K robbery for RNC delegate, AP, 09.16.2008: http://enews.earthlink.net/article/nat?guid=20080916/48cf2f40_3ca6_1552620080916-725458355

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