NEW YORK CITY--Most of the world has now heard-of, or read-about Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's speech that railed-against American Empire, and President George W. Bush's foreign-policies. I noticed something strange while watching the clips on CNN--Chavez was carrying a book with an English-title. Today, we find-out that it was a book by someone noteworthy, and it wasn't Bob Woodward or Ann Coulter.
Mainstream commentators (particularly television, though NPR cancelled an interview with Chomsky several years-ago) have been very careful not to mention the name of the man Chavez lauded at the beginning of his speech: Dr. Noam Chomsky, the most-quoted intellectual in the West, and the finest-critic of

Read the transcript, it's an eye-opener. President Chavez goes to great-lengths in explaining that his problems are with the State Department/US government and multinationals, not the American people. I believe him. How many violent-deaths is George W. Bush responsible-for, and how many for Chavez? George W. Bush is the Devil--our devil. We need to send him straight-to-hell where he came-from. The transcript can be found at: http://www.pennlive.com/news/patriotnews/index.ssf?/news/patriotnews/stories/un_chavez_0920.html
Coming-soon: Buckaroo Banzai VS. The Dick Cheney World Crime League
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