Saturday, November 18, 2006


WASHINGTON--It's not going to be necessary because of all the investigations, jesus. The GOP and the Preznent are already firing-vollies, which means they're screwing-up--they're making it clear they won't be cooperative or bipartisan as they enjoin the Democrats to do. Well yeah, if you're a liar, you project your own shortcomings onto your victims. Sure, the Democrats aren't perfect, but they aren't the GOP, which is why they got voted-in, and many GOP-candidates didn't. At least they had Joe Lieberman, who is now being vaunted as a savior and 'the most powerful man in the Senate'--sorry, that's a L-I-E. Any Democrat who's pushing it is basically a right-wing mole, a wolf in sheep's clothing and they should be purged eventually. One question to the GOP: where's the 'nuclear option' now? Yes, the Democrats WILL FILIBUSTER BUSH'S JUDICIAL CANDIDATES, and there's nothing you can do about it. Nothing. International observers will get the added entertainment-value of watching the cha-cha line into prison...

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