Tuesday, March 06, 2007


"If the allegations are correct, then there has been serious misconduct in what has occurred in the terminations of these United States attorneys."
--Sen. Arlen Specter stating-the-obvious to distance himself for later. (AP, 03.06.2007)

WASHINGTON D.C.--The inquiries are broadening. Two-more US Attorneys are being subpoenaed to testify about their firings before the House Judiciary committee, perhaps this-week. But it appears that the key-testimony will reside with former US Attorney David C. Iglesias (will he still be a Republican after all this?). As most of the headlines are stating, they will be "defending their records." That shouldn't be difficult in most-cases, considering they were probably fired for doing their jobs too-well in political corruption cases (a majority of them GOP-lawmakers). In the case of the Arkansas US Attorney, we know he was replaced by one of Karl Rove's former-aides, so cronyism might be a factor in a few others.

Once again, Arlen Specter says he's "troubled." Yeah, I bet you are, and we know that's where's it's going to end with the Senator from Pennsylvania who's so worried, he won't do-anything about any of this without prodding. But, fortunately, it's no-longer his call, and he no-longer heads any committees. This was by-mandate of the American public in the November midterm elections, and Specter's smarting from it. He should be, his track-record on accountability is poor. But, the elections are what this was all about:

Mr. Iglesias, who is among five of the ousted prosecutors scheduled to testify in Congress on Tuesday, has said he interpreted the call from Mr. Domenici, and another from an unidentified federal lawmaker, as an effort to pressure him into bringing indictments before the November elections in an effort to embarrass Democrats. He said that his unwillingness to be pressured into moving more quickly led to his removal. (NYT, 03.04.2007)

The Justice Department corroborates Iglesias's performance on corruption cases as the reason for his removal.

Oh sure, both Domenici and Wilson are now lying that they didn't try to pressure Iglesias to speed-up his corruption investigation into New Mexico's state democrats. Domenici ostensibly apologized for the call to Iglesias, yet wouldn't admit there was any wrongdoing. In-essence, he's calling Iglesias a liar while lying:

"In retrospect, I regret making that call and I apologize," Domenici said, of talking to Iglesias. "However, at no time in that conversation or any other conversation with Mr. Iglesias did I ever tell him what course of action I thought he should take on any legal matter. I have never pressured him nor threatened him in any way." Legal experts say it violates congressional ethics rules for a senator or House member to communicate with a federal prosecutor regarding an ongoing criminal investigation. (Washington Post, 03.05.2007)

We won't take your word on it, and again, the investigation is broadening. Amazingly, Domenici has admitted he did tap the Justice Department (meaning AG Alberto Gonzales, which would then lead us to the White House) to remove Iglesias. This is how a criminal tries to explain-away things that are incriminating. He and Wilson are essentially busted, they're done. As the testimony unfolds, the picture will become clearer. Proof of a criminal-conspiracy can garner as much as 20-years in a federal prison.

Without any doubt, this is easily the most-corrupt period in American politics, it eclipses 19th century cronyism. It's staggering. The ultimate-irony? Domenici recommended Iglesias for the job back in 2001. He must have assumed he was in the GOP's pocket. He was wrong, Iglesias was a professional...like one Patrick Fitzgerald.

AP: http://www.forbes.com/feeds/ap/2007/03/06/ap3489251.html

Washington Post (03.05.2007): http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/politics/2003601223_attorneys05.html

New York Times (03.04.2007): http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/05/washington/05attorneys.html?ref=us

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