Monday, February 18, 2008


The news world will end when this headline actually does appears in-print. It was bad enough with Anna Nicole's dead body being propped-up (and still in-use) to hide the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. There's a very strange and calculated white supremacist symbology involved when you--the mainstream media--keep using the images of white American women in danger to hide war crimes against people of color. That's perverse. Shame.


  1. The media is only interested in entertaiment and less educated.
    If people would get their heads out the sand and treat their lawmakers like an employee, then maybe people can have some sense to take back their country. We have been held hostile by the Bush Administration too long. It's time the getting rid of the stinkin thinking and take back this country and quit listening to those clowns called the talking heads. That is this country is the dumbing down of America which it never should have been from the get-go.

    Also, I saw your rules and regulations, Special Prosecutor Matt. I'm scare of you. LOL! Yes, I thought I stop by your blog to throw in my 2 cents.

  2. And Edward R. Murrows would certainly roll over his grave on the type of shameful reporting in the 21st century. I don't know if you saw Robert Greenwald's film "OutFoxed." I highly recommend it. Greenwald explores the rising of Murdoch's Fox News. A real eyeopener.

  3. Yep, I even own a copy. Fox's lies and distortions only fool those who wish to be fooled, mainly due to emotional problems. You know, parents beat-the-shit out of them = authoritarian personality. ;0)Deregulation of the the communications industry (thanks to Reagan and each successive president) has been disastrous to the common good in America. Put Murdoch on a boat to some hot-spot where there's a civil war, no guards, no weapons--my kind of reality TV.
