WWW--Go get em' kids, citizen journalists, retirees, shut-ins, asthmatics, writers, poets, activists, homemakers, private researchers, watchdog groups, librarian associations--everybody! Jeane Palfrey has opened the phone-logs to the entire internet community through her website. J-7 was one of the first recipients of the packet (images coming) sent out by Palfrey's civil attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley last week. What I got was a manila-envelope with a CD-ROM disk in a clear Amray DVD case, with a form letter from advocate Sibley.
I literally received it today in the post! How someone pirated it (it wasn't I) so quickly is beyond me, though I would think she would possibly know the identity since every recipient was told beforehand that the disks were encoded with a unique indexing to prevent this (and identify who did it quickly). Perhaps someone posted it online somewhere? The whole thing is intriguing. [Ed., 09.13.2008--It struck me at the time that Palfrey was making this up entirely because the prosecution wasn't in a negotiating mood after she rejected two very good plea deals. There is always the possibility of a penetration of the defense.] It's possible that a disk was pirated in the mailing/expediting process, though it's unclear what the mailing system was. My own impression was that there were at least a few-hundred disks mailed out on the 6th of July.
The decision was made for expediency and preserving the integrity of primary documents, and was wise with a trial still looming. After perusing them, this writer is relieved and heartily approves this move for the same reasons. Somehow, I don't think others have reacted this way! We're all going to have a mountain of data to analyze, and this researcher is looking forward to it. Things are coming along nicely in this saga, it couldn't be going-off any better than this. As of this writing, a senator's phone number has been found on the list: Senator David Vitter, REPUBLICAN FROM LOUISIANA. AP writes this, just a mere few hours after the list was posted at Palfrey's site:
Palfrey's attorney, Montgomery Blair Sibley, told the AP, "I'm stunned that someone would be apologizing for this." He said Palfrey had posted the phone numbers of her escort service's clients online Monday, but he did not know whether Vitter's number was among them.Vitter's statement was sent to the AP's New Orleans bureau Monday evening. Palfrey's Web site contains 20 compressed files of phone records, dating from August 1994 to August 2006. No names are listed, only phone numbers. Palfrey wrote on the Web site that she believed a disk containing the records had been pirated, and wrote that she was posting the records "to thwart any possible distorted version and to ensure the integrity of the information." (AP, 07.10.2007)Like I said, it wasn't me. It's a wise move all around to go public with these records, and the anarchist in me is quite gleeful at this moment, yes. Now, be prepared to be shocked--Sen. Vitter's going to claim he's had some problems with demon alcohol...still think the Internet is boring?
Vitter might just want to apologize--the confusing part--to his wife and his constituents, but we know that's all he's really doing it. Did he, or didn't he? What's he really apologizing for? Maybe being a Republican is reason enough, let's face it. The crackers might not be voting for him in the next elections, assuming he lasts that long. And now you all know that Wayne Madsen, Big Head DC, myself, and several other blogs, weren't wrong: ABC's Executive producers for 20/20 forced Brian Ross to lie about who was on the lists.
The beginning-of-the-end of the current political generation (AP): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070710/ap_on_go_co/vitter_dc_madam
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