Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Input meters: use 'em

WWW--Wendy reminded me of another thing: those little buttons below each article that have "Reactions" to the left (where else?) are there for a reason as are the comments sections for each post. I want your constructive input. Do it. Chime in. Say something. Use your brain. All anonymous posts that are not constructive or productive will be rejected every single time, over and over again.

If you have something relevant to say, I'm all ears, I won't bite. I treat commenters exactly as they treat me, so if you come here with reasonably pure intentions, your tone is generally logical and friendly or even neutral, you have nothing to worry about. If they're not, and you pen something the wrong way, I'm going to make an example of you and eat your ass alive, and handily.

See the link for my comments policy on my profile, it's there for a reason, and every season, and seasoning the minds of the right with logic-bombs is part of the fun here, good for laughs-and-lashings of the intellectually ultraviolent.

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