Thursday, July 30, 2009

Songs from the Site Meter: They're looking for Jaenelle IV...

Ed.--Hey, wouldn't you? She looks svelte. This one's great, the meme is going out and her cover is all-but-blown as a member of the white hate movement in America and possibly as some kind of a courier for them internationally. Yes, they're even reading about this in Mokba! This one almost tops the Palfrey story as an example of high weirdness...almost.

One for the ages:

Domain Name
IP Address
194.186.53.# (Golden Telecom)
EDN Sovintel
Continent : Asia
Country : Russian Federation (Facts)
State/Region : Moscow City
City : Moscow
Lat/Long : 55.7522, 37.6156 (Map)
English (U.K.)
Operating System
Microsoft WinNT
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2009070611 Firefox/3.0.12
version 1.5
Resolution : 1024 x 768
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit
Jul 31 2009 5:14:22 am
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Jul 31 2009 5:15:29 am
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1 minute 7 seconds
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Jul 31 2009 1:14:22 am
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My favorite comment from the Phoenix New Times on Holocaust revisionism (the comments have veered completely away from Antas now...)

WWW--You've got to hand it to the fringe right, they're entertaining if nothing else and give plenty of openings for ribald humor and the worthwhile attack.

This commenter on a thread from the Antas piece page by Stephen Lemons makes a very worthy and humorous assault on Holocaust deniers that impressed me (want to write here?):

Whoa....we got us a gaggle of wild tards here!! Where to begin?
Ok tards, look away from your SS posters for a few seconds, put your cock back in your pants, and read carefully.
-To the brilliant historian who noted that the Iron Curtain came down in 1989, yet the plaque at Auschwitz wasn't taken down until 1990..I totally see your point. I mean, with the entire economy collapsing, the regime totally removed, and all the turmoil that plagued Eastern Europe(and still does) since 1989, it makes PERFECT sense that the first thing they should have done is change the sign at Auschwitz.
-Those who were to be gassed(there were many, many people at Auschwitz who were killed by means other than gas, and were not Jewish, such as Soviet POWs) upon arrival were not registered. Documents show that they were rounded up in their countries, documents show that they got on trains, documents show that those trains had such and such amount of people on them, but then upon arrival, despite such and such amount of people registered, portions of the trains' passengers just disappear, and the camp's population records don't show a corresponding rise in population. In other words, to break it down into easy numbers for my drooling audience:
5,000 people arrested in country X, 5,000 people on train bound for camp Y. Said train arrives at camp Y, population 10,000. 200 people registered, camp population records show 10,200 for population thereafter.
If those people showed up somewhere else, its on the Holocaust deniers to show where they went. Incidentally, similar methods were used in examining the NKVD records to prove their involvement in the execution of Polish officers at Katyn- yet I don't see Holocaust deniers falling over each other to debunk that theory. Oh and speaking of Katyn....
It is illegal in Poland to deny "Soviet atrocities". For some reason the champions of free speech like David Irving have nothing to say about that. In Romania it is illegal to publicly praise the late dictator Ceausescu- I guess by denier logic, Katyn must have been done by the Nazis, and Ceausescu was a great man.
Regardless of whether Holocaust denial laws are right or wrong, the fact is that these people are not being arrested for "doing research". They have not been arrested because they were found in a library, or going over archival documents. They are arrested because certain governments don't tolerate their accusations against entire ethnic groups.
By the way- yes, there were some claims, some at Nuremburg even, which were not true. It would be foolish to imagine that everything that went on at Nuremburg was just. In fact, some rulings at Nuremburg which WERE just, such as punishment for waging aggressive war, are not applied to the US and UK, among many other countries today. That is also injustice. That being said, the Holocaust deniers have consistently failed to explain certain key facts(incidentally facts they rarely allude to in their literature, only acknowledging them when challenged), and they have also failed miserably at explaining what really happened."

To say that I was impressed with Aslan's comments here would be an understatement. Laughter--and the facts--kill the lie.

Postscript, 07.31.2009: Thanks, Aslan, for illustrating how willfully ignorant Holocaust revisionists are so I don't have to and watch DVDs tonight instead. Thank you. Obvious? Yes. I don't even think they're worth rebutting, but someone probably has to do it...

Some updates on the "Stormy Daniels bombing" in New Orleans

New Orleans, Louisiana--This story is going to be one for the ages. At this point, it becoming very unclear which side the story tends. Did someone try to send Stormy Daniels political adviser Brian Welsh (a Democratic adviser) a message not to run in Louisiana's senatorial race against David Vitter, or did the man have car troubles? There appear to be no solid answers.

According to TPM today by way of the N.O.F.D.:

"It was a fire. The car didn't explode," said Public Information Officer Jonathan Pajeaud. An arson investigation is underway and foul play hasn't been ruled out. But, Pajeaud said, Welsh told firefighters he'd recently gotten electrical work done on his1996 Audi, and investigators are also looking into that as a possible cause." (New Orleans Fire Dept: Car Of Porn Star's Political Adviser Did Not Explode," Talking Points Memo, 07.29.2009:

We might know in two weeks what actually happened, or not. Just two days later, Daniels herself was arrested for domestic abuse of her husband. Mmm-hmm.

It appears in the Talking Points Memo piece that only the N.O.F.D. is investigating, but in the AP coverage this seems less certain:

New Orleans police and the FBI did not immediately comment.

Welsh said he had no suspects, but feared someone caused the explosion.

"Maybe there is a reason, more of an intentional reason for the car blowing up," Welsh said. "I want to get more facts."

Welsh said he was uncertain if the explosion was connected to his work with Daniels.

"Clearly, if someone tried to blow up my car, it's cause for concern; it's not cause for me to stop doing my job, stop me from talking about the things that are important," Welsh said. "If anybody had been walking by when that car blew up, they would have been seriously injured or killed."

"I really wish this had not happened," Welsh, 38, said. "I need a car."("Porn star mulling La. Senate race has a tough week," AP, 07.29.2009:

Hey, don’t we all need a good car? Wake me up when someone knows what’s happening here…

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Are some of Louisiana Senator David Vitter's supporters domestic terrorists?

New Orleans, Louisiana--To put it mildly, whomever attempted to murder Brian Welsh--political adviser to porn star Stormy Daniels is trying to send him and the potential candidate a very obvious message: don't run against incumbent Republican Senator David Vitter. There's no other word but terrorism for this, domestic terrorism.

An act of domestic, political terrorism has happened once again on the streets of America and nobody's paying very much attention, if at all. This event happened the day before yesterday on the streets of New Orleans, but I have yet to see it get any play in the mainstream press. Yet, this is a very serious threat to the integrity of our political process, and the likelihood that this clown had sympathies with the Democratic Party are slim-to-none.

And so, this must come from the far right. Considering that it was probably a pipe-bomb, and that it was a solitary individual, the arrow already points decidedly to-the-right. Welsh stated yesterday
No one has seen anything like this before…not in such a dramatic fashion,” Welsh told ABC-26. “It’s too early for me to go pointing fingers. I’d like to hear officially what happened and then we can take it from there. If someone’s trying to send me a message like this, it’s not going to work.”

Daniels is considering a run for the Louisiana senate seat currently occupied by incumbent Republican David Vitter whose been linked to the “D.C Madam,” Deborah Jeane Palfrey. Vitter's cell phone number turned up numerous times in Palfrey's records. ("Political Advisor to Stormy Daniels Hit by Car Bomb," XBIX News, 07.28.2009)

I'd agree that it's too early to point fingers at specific groups on the right, and I applaud his reaction of not being deterred, but they weren't doing this for the Democrats--there's no indication of this at all. But I do believe that this comes from the extremist right and that it's time to bring in the FBI, not that I care for the institution, but this is a high crime.

Welsh is wrong about "No one has seen anything like this before," this has happened, though not quite the same way, but it has been dramatic before; one just needs to recall the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, the violence of the Civil Rights era, or even the attempt on George Wallace's life in 1972. Then there's government-sponsored terrorism. Sometime around October 6, 1976, the anti-Castro Cuban terrorist group Alpha 66 (backed by elements of our government) placed a bomb on a Cuban airliner:

All 73 people aboard died in the Oct. 6, 1976 disaster, including 19 members of

Cuba's junior national fencing team returning from Caracas, most of them

Two Cubans were jailed in Venezuela for masterminding the attack. One was
Orlando Bosch, a physician who left the United States after he was paroled from
a 10-year prison sentence for firing a rocket at a Polish ship anchored in Miami.

The other was Luis Posada Carriles, a former CIA agent who was trained as a
demolition expert for the Bay of Pigs.

Posada Carriles escaped from jail in Venezuela in 1985, reportedly disguised as a
priest. ("Bay of Pigs fiasco spawned anti-Castro plotters," CNN, 04.17.2001)

The CIA's great, but it's good to have friends in the Vatican too. These are just a few other examples, and there have been numerous others from the white supremacist movement over the years. No one would call anti-Castro Cubans leftists.

Alpha 66 was and still is allowed to operate from the swamps of Florida, incidentally. This is not to suggest that the New Orleans bomber was an anti-Castro Cuban (keep up with me, please), but to illustrate that there have been patterns of this criminal activity from the right many times before, and this isn't including the Oklahoma City bombing.

But the very recent murder by Scott Roeder (possibly inspired by the Army of God) of George Tiller, a Kansas abortion doctor, and the shooting-spree by white supremacist James von Brunn at the National Holocaust Museum were most certainly meant to instill fear in others and can be counted as acts of domestic terrorism from the far right. The key word here is "coercion," to prevent or to make someone do something that an individual or a groups wants as a result of the act. Yes, there is the possibility that this was some "lone nut" (either way, they were, let's be frank) who simply wanted to do it for personal reasons--certainly a possibility. Yeah?

Terrorism is known as a form of "asymmetrical warfare," in the parlance of counterterrorism, which jibes very closely with far right rhetoric and the formulation of the "lone wolf/lone-wolf fighter" approach advocated by such white hate luminaries as--once again--Tom Metzger and Alex Curtis. But who would benefit the most from a bombing that ended the campaign of a candidate running for the specific senate seat that porn star Stormy Daniels is setting her sights on?

The answer is pretty obvious: David Vitter. Granted, Daniels doesn't have a real chance of winning, and her candidacy is satirical--to remind Louisianans that Vitter used the prostitution services of the late Deborah Jeane Palfrey (aka the "DC Madam")--but there's nothing wrong with that, and her right to do so is protected under the First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and assembly, never mind the democratic right to run for public office. Whomever put the bomb in Welsh's car is an enemy of the democratic process itself and should be arrested and put on trial for their actions.

"Political Advisor to Stormy Daniels Hit by Car Bomb," XBIX News, 07.28.2009:

ABC26's interview with Brain Welch from yesterday:

"Bay of Pigs fiasco spawned anti-Castro plotters," CNN, 04.17.2001:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Songs from the Site Meter: They're looking for Jaenelle III...

--This one's from Bayern, Germany, in Bavaria! I don't think she's going to be much use to David Irving soon.

Domain Name ? (Network)
IP Address
84.150.104.# (Deutsche Telekom AG)
Deutsche Telekom AG
Continent : Europe
Country : Germany (Facts)
State/Region : Bayern
City : Starnberg
Lat/Long : 48, 11.35 (Map)
English (U.S.)
Operating System
Microsoft WinXP
Internet Explorer 7.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB6; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; OfficeLiveConnector.1.3; OfficeLivePatch.0.
version 1.3
Resolution : 1280 x 800
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit
Jul 29 2009 12:46:37 am
Last Page View
Jul 29 2009 12:46:37 am
Visit Length
0 seconds
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Time Zone
Visitor's Time
Jul 28 2009 6:46:37 pm
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Songs from the Site Meter: They're looking for Jaenelle II...

--Could this be from white hate central? I'm hoping it's MI5, but they and the UK's intelligence community (MI6, SIS, etc.) have a sordid (and storied--that's for Alex Constantine, touche!) past of cooperation with fascist and Mosleyite groups for purposes of social control. One just never knows what they're up to at the HO and FO. Boris, we must deny Moose and Squirrel were ever liquidated...

Domain Name ? (Commercial)
IP Address
82.3.117.# (NTL Internet)
NTL Internet
Continent : Europe
Country : United Kingdom (Facts)
State/Region : London, City of
City : London
Lat/Long : 51.5, -0.1167 (Map)
English (U.K.)
Operating System
Microsoft WinXP
Internet Explorer 7.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)
version 1.3
Resolution : 1152 x 864
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit
Jul 29 2009 1:34:00 am
Last Page View
Jul 29 2009 1:34:00 am
Visit Length
0 seconds
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Search Engine
Search Words
jaenelle antas
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Time Zone
Visitor's Time
Jul 28 2009 6:34:00 pm
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Songs from the Site Meter: They're looking for Jaenelle...

--It now appears people from all over the world are interested in Jaenelle. Yesterday, I saw a hit from Madrid, Spain, now one from the UK, and a few other countries. By the way, I'm not affiliated with anyone, so save it...

Domain Name
IP Address
81.141.213.# (WLMS)
British Telecommunications
Continent : Europe
Country : United Kingdom (Facts)
Lat/Long : 54, -2 (Map)
English (U.K.)
Operating System
Microsoft WinXP
Internet Explorer 7.0
Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; GTB6; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
version 1.3
Resolution : 1280 x 1024
Color Depth : 32 bits
Time of Visit
Jul 28 2009 11:12:26 pm
Last Page View
Jul 28 2009 11:14:23 pm
Visit Length
1 minute 57 seconds
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Referring URL
Search Engine
Search Words
"jaenelle antas"
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Time Zone
Visitor's Time
Jul 28 2009 4:12:26 pm
Visit Number

And the meme is spreading ("Why do you hate America, Matt?" I just hate YOU):

A note to anonymous commenters...

WWW--Hey, read the comments policy: if you want to sling, you gotta sing. If you don't post under your own identity and you have nothing relevant or constructive to add to the dialog, it's not going to published, period. Don't like it? I don't care.

I'm "restricting [your] rights to free speech"? Puerile (look it up) B.S., go create your own blog and write about what "an awful human being Matt Janovic is," go for it, I might even agree with you in-part and help you out! ;0)

However, if you're entertaining enough, I might just publish your comments to make yet another example of you and the typical moron demographic overpopulating A'murka today. If none of this makes any sense to you, I don't really care and find most of your comments very amusing indeed.

But if you think yours truly is as stupid as you are and that I'm going to get into a fistfight with the Invisible Not-a-Man (or woman, thanks Monty Python!), you're mistaken, and recall that I've got a bag of flour for just such occasions. You're hopelessly outgunned here, you will lose.

All death threats will be forwarded to local law enforcement authorities, and I will come after you. But rest assured that I've had them before thanks to my own past antiwar activities and that I wasn't deterred then and won't be now, so don't bother. Also, if you think your comments are demoralizing, you're mistaken, they're going to have the opposite-effect--just as the federal government's prosecutors...

Today's postscript: Apparently you morons down in Indy have reading and comprehension problems. I don't care about your comments and won't be posting any of them without an identity, period. However, if I feel like making an example out of you, I will, so you might watch what you write--you will live to regret it. Literacy: it's not just for breakfast anymore. Edumacation ist gut!

I'd ask what Reason magazine has to say about this, but I don't care what they or any Libertarian thinks or has to say.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Jaenelle Antas: The StormFront photos (nifty white hate cheesecake!)

--I captured these photos from StormFront posting from Jaenelle Antas's account
("Tristania," allegedly taken from a very bad Norwegian metal opera band's name), I doubt they'll stay up for much longer, but who knows? After all, she's pretty shameless about her stupidity as must idiots are. Frequently, when you want to attract foolish young men to hate movements, you use a little honey, countercultural and anti-establishment posturings, and a good dose of deception.

As a matter of obvious fact, deception is what Antas appears to be all about: she was a Libertarian, but not a Libertarian; she wasn't a white hate activist, but she is one, and so on. The real question here is whether the Indiana Libertarian Party knew she was what she in fact was and is: an ally of neo-Nazis internationally, a kind of adjutant of Holocaust denier and Mosleyite-styled figure David Irving, and probably someone the Indiana Libertarians wouldn't notice since they're far right wackos themselves. Not all of them are openly-racist, but many of their social postions could easily lead to inflaming racial tensions, and their connections to the miltia movement through people like Lew Rockwell are telling.

So, if you have a crappy ideology that the public would never buy in a million years unless they were independently wealthy, nuts, or both, you have to sugar-coat it with appeals through the tired iconography of rebellion, wrapped-in various cultural forms like music, flags, empty rhetoric, highly charged-imagery, and sex-appeal.

This all reminds me of the fallacy of an old countercultural conceit that was always wrong: "If so-and-so likes the same music as I do, they must be cool." Utter crap. Her tastes in music are an oxymoron, she has poor taste, if any, and I'm leaving-out Beethoven and Bach, everyone with a working brain-stem likes that shit.

Antas has confirmed that she's "Tristania," so there you have it, corroboration. By the way: it doesn't matter whether she's a fan of Richard Wagner or not, she's still directly or indirectly influenced by him, that's how culture works, often invisibly.

Welcome to public life, kiddo, I sure hope your parents didn't teach to think and act this way.

Bach in Black

Postscript: I showed these photos to my 65-year-old mother who immediately stated, "She looks like a hooker." Indeed, circa 1933...

Postscript, June 29, 2013: You can find a few of the photos that were removed here, from a simple Google search:,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48572450,d.cGE&fp=7281391dcddcbf5d&biw=1366&bih=648

Friday, July 24, 2009

Jaenelle Antas: Indiana Libertarian and personal assistant to UK Holocaust denier David Irving

"Well-behaved women rarely make history."
--"Tristania," StormFront bulletin-board member since 2005.

Indianapolis, Indiana
--This tip comes to me from a source in Oregon. I don't believe that this is unknown--that Jaenelle Antas is the American assistant to UK Holocaust denier David Irving--but I don't think that many out there in the public know that Antas has also served as Assistant to the Chair of Indiana's Libertarian Party (2007-2008), certainly not within the state itself. Yet, she has.

Antas was spotted and identified in Portland last week for a speaking engagement of Irving's, reputedly even being seen with different clothing on to cloak her identity.

Did the Libertarian Party of Indiana know who she really was when she served as an assistant to State Chair Todd Singer? They have some explaining to do. Some online posts have stated that she was once on the home page of the Libertarian Party of Indiana and was given a college scholarship by them, but it appears that this has all been pulled.

Antas is rumored to post on Storm Front's bulletin-board under the identity of "Tristania," a seemingly Wagnerian name from Teutonic legend, and also a band that she likes within the genre of "metal opera." A look at Antas's Myspace page notes:

An abridged, but representative list of bands and musicians I like:
After Forever
Ava Inferi
Blut Aus Nord
Cecilia Bartoli
Deathspell Omega
Diablo Swing Orchestra
How Like a Winter
Leaves' Eyes
Limbonic Art
Madder Mortem
Mar de Grises
My Dying Bride
Nokturnal Mortum
Renee Fleming
Sins of Thy Beloved
Star of Ash
Theatre of Tragedy
Thou Shalt Suffer
Without Face
Venin Noir
Virgin Black
And there's more, much more on this account that corroborates who she is. The photos on what appear to be Antas's StormFront account almost certainly have to be the same person as the Myspace account. "Tristania's" fixation on a Wagnerian-moniker is interesting, possibly even adulatory. Yet, Wagner--now incontrovertibly established as a rabid anti-Semite--is missing from her online list of "influences" on the Myspace account, and it appears to be a disingenuous move on her part. Why hide who you really are? Considering the company that she keeps outside of the Libertarian Party of Indiana, it's not hard to understand why.

Is she some form of "Trojan Horse"? The Wagner connection is telling if this is the same individual.

Indeed, as recently as last week, a German scholar has confirmed from the composer's personal correspondence (and of his half-Jewish wife, Cosima, the daughter of Hungarian composer Franz Liszt) once-and-for-all that Wagner was an anti-Semite. For many, this was a forgone conclusion long ago, inside and outside of neo-Nazi and white hate circles.
Letters between German composer Richard Wagner (1813-1883), his wife Cosima and musicians at the Bayreuth opera house showed more consistent anti-Semitism than had previously been known, a music history researcher has said. In a interview with the German Press Agency dpa, music and theatre researcher Stephan Moesch charged that materials showing anti-Jewish attitudes of the Wagner family had been 'glossed over' by the academic community.
("Researcher highlights 'ignored' anti-Semitism in Wagner letters," Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 07.21.2009)
The late German historian Joachim Fest, and numerous other musical scholars, cultural historians, and world historians have contended this all along. Fest and many other international historians have contended that Wagner's operas informed Adolph Hitler's own brand of anti-Semitism, and could very likely have inspired the concept of the Holocaust, the wiping-out of European Jewry. Again, for the sake of context, Antas is currently the assistant to the Mosleyite Holocaust denier David Irving.

Fest wrote in his sprawling biography of Hitler:

For the Master of Bayeruth was not only Hitler's great exemplar; he was also the young man's ideological mentor. Wagner's political writings were Hitler's favorite reading, and the sprawling pomposity of his style unmistakably influenced Hitler's own grammar and syntax. Those political writings, together with the operas, form the entire framework of Hitler's ideology: Darwinism and anti-Semitism. ("I hold the Jewish race to be the born enemy of pure humanity and everything noble in man"), the adoration of barbarism and Germanic might, the mystique of blood purification expressed in Parzifal, and the general histrionic view in which good and evil, purity and corruption, rulers and the ruled, stand opposed in black and white contrasts. ...Here he found the "granite foundations" for his view of the world. (Fest, Joachim, Hitler. P.56)
A reasonably thorough combing of the web shows that Ms. Antas goes to a fair amount of trouble limiting and possibly obscuring her Internet and public presence as well as obviously racist statements. I'm sure she's not the only one to pull her name and photographs off the Internet. She's good, possibly even clever, but that hasn't stopped others from noticing her.

It all fits very nicely: her Myspace page has Libertarian friends--even at this writing--as well as a number of fans of Norwegian metal and the like. That's not a real indicator of a far right connection in itself, but the restraint there speaks volumes. Comments are very carefully worded on "Tristania's" StormFront comments just as they are on the Myspace account, by Antas, and her "friends."

But why would anyone care to use one of the few operas as an online identity in redacted form, a spin-off of the name of a Norwegian metal opera group? Sure, she's probably a fan, but what of the rest here? The strong possibility is that someone told Antas this very interesting fact: Tristan and Isolde was one of the very first operas by Wagner that Adolph Hitler attended, and it was a seminal influence on him that lasted to the very end of his life. It all fits too nicely to be a coincidence. Yes, it appears someone has problems behaving alright.

"Portland, Oregon says David Irving Not Welcome: Some Notes on July 19," Portland Indy Media, 07.21.2009:
"Jaenelle Antas, Personal Assistant, Indianapolis, Indiana Area," page:
"Researcher highlights 'ignored' anti-Semitism in Wagner letters," Deutsche Presse-Agentur, 07.21.2009:
Jaenelle's Myspace page (try not to be eating, drinking, or driving while viewing/listening):
The Urban Dictionary's page on "metal opera" (w. Wagner & Tristania featured prominently):